Climbing with Rhyming is all about Timing

Dancing with Poems is all about Tone

Desire like Fire and Love like a Glove

Give like the Rain when you fall from Above

Alluring Imploring is perfectly Boring

But Vexing Perplexing is so Interesting

Lightning is Brightening

Fear is What's Frightening

The Looser We Get the Harder They're Tightening


Wait I'm gonna write a poem

So something I have to say is known

I struggle to know my own thoughts

Like a deprogrammed human robot

Expelled from every walk of life

Torn away from living right

I have good friends, can't remember why

My thoughts are clouds up in the sky

When they rain I cry

I'm not sure why

Loving beauty is suicide

Give me Chaos

Give me Difficulties

Give me Cheaters

Give me Scoundrels

Give me Tyrants

Give me Demons

Give me Dragons

I'll slay them all.